I intend on mounting flush mounted inspection covers from Steen Aerolab on my Christen Eagle when I recover the wings. I have experimented with attaching them and am not quite satisfied with the results. The sequence I use is as follows (I am using Stits process):
1)attach fabric
2)glue plastic insert to inside of fabric with Polytac. This is where I have difficulty. I have a hard time getting the fabric all glued up around the inside elevated edge of the insert.
3)heat shrink
4)one coat ofpolybrush
5)one coat of polybrush as a bed
6)one coat of polybrush, then lay on one 6 3/4 inch patch made of lightweight preshrunk fabric
7)final coat of polybrush
8)final spray coats per Stits directions.
I am concerned that without a really good glue joint on that inside edge of the plastic insert, the fabric will start coming loose around the edges when you start taking the inspection covers off and on.
Any tips on how to install these inspection covers would be appreciated.