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2013 Green Mountain Aerobatic Contest

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2013
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For you folks in the northeast US who dare put your skills on display for your peers to cheer or jeer, see the announcement below.

Meet you at the box.

Wes :D



UPDATE: AVGAS Price during the contest $5.69 per gallon
We have 22 pilots pre registered already
If you have not registered, do it today!
We need more Unlimited pilots
Arrange for your rental car and accommodations now (details below)

IAC Chapter 35 Green Mountain Aerobatics Contest, 2013 edition, at the North Springfield, VT Hartness State
Airport (KVSF). The airport has promised to offer the lowest AVGAS price in the area for our event $5.69. This year the contest will be July 12 - 14. We will be featuring John Morrissey who has graciously agreed to be Chief

The contest will fly Primary through Unlimited, power, and we also welcome gliders. A tow plane is available on the field with advance notice,

You may pre-register at The IAC Contest Registration Web Site. http://www.iacusn.org/acrs/index.php

I have worked a deal on rental cars! Details below.


Thursday, July 11

1200 - 1900 Registration; box open for practice.

1900 Airplanes in hangar & adjourn for food

Friday, July 12

0800 - 1130 Registration; box open for practice

1200 Mandatory contest kickoff pilots' briefing - all categories. Distribute
the Unknowns

1300 - 1900 Contest flying -- Advanced, Unlimited, Intermediate, Primary,
and Sportsman if time permits. KNOWNS

1930 Airplanes in hangar & adjourn for food. Enjoy Springfield's local

Saturday, July 13

0800 Mandatory daily pilots' briefing - all categories

0930 - 1800 Contest flying -- all categories. Fly the UNKNOWNS and FREES as
time permits

1900 Banquet at Fifty-Six Main St. In Springfield.

Sunday, July 14

0800 Mandatory daily pilots' briefing

0930 - 1400 Contest flying -- all categories. Finish the FREES

1430 Awards ceremony


Late arrivals - we will do our best to accommodate late arrivals. If you cannot be present for the Friday mandatory contest kickoff pilot briefing, please send the Contest Director or the Chapter President an e-mail before the contest. Pilots who do not communicate with the contest director prior to the contest, and who arrive after all categories have flown the Known Programs, WILL be assessed the points penalty provided for in the IAC Official Contest Rules 2013 (4.6.1(a)(2)).


We rent a large hangar from the airport for the contest, Thursday - Sunday. If you want your airplane in the hangar, be sure to sign up when you register. First come first serve. $20 per night. As happens at every contest, we are 99% certain that all of the Pitts fit in, 50% sure that the Extras, Edge's, and Lasers will fit, and we try to fit Decathlon's in too.

There are usually tie downs available on the ramp, but if in doubt, bring ropes. If this is your first contest, be advised that the IAC contest rules do not allow you to commute home at night in your aerobatic aircraft. Plan on being parked at the contest for the duration.

FUEL $$$$

The State of VT has promised to lower the self serve AVGAS price to $5.69 lower than any airport in Vermont. Thank you State.


The preferred contest hotel will again be the Holiday Inn Express in
Springfield, VT. As in past years, we will negotiate a block of rooms with
a New England Aerobatic Club room rate and a favorable cancellation policy.
. You will want to call 802-885-4516 and ask for the "New England Aerobatic
Club" or "Green Mountain Aerobatic Contest" rate. And after you move up to
Unlimited and your contest scores are posted you can say "I stayed at a
Holiday Inn Express last night!"

There is a bed and breakfast inn near the airport named the Baker Road Inn,
http://www.bakerroadinn.com/. They look north and see us fly our contest
each year. Nice folks. Nice rooms. Great breakfast. The Contest Director
stays there. If you are going low budget, they also have a bunk room for
something like $25/night that includes a hot shower and breakfast. No credit
cards. Cash or check only. 802-886-2304. NO ROOMS LEFT.

The Hartness House Inn is still near downtown Springfield - 802-885-2115

For the minimalist traveler there is the Crown Point Camping Area in nearby
Perkinsville (http://www.crownpointcampingarea.com/).

For the luxury traveler, just north of the airport, there is The Inn at
Weathersfield, http://www.weathersfieldinn.com, 802-263-9219.


Upper Valley Car Rentals (Avis), (603) 298-7753, will deliver and pick up
at the airport at no additional charge. Compacts and Intermediate cars
at $30.00 per day ; Full-size at $34 per day plus tax and fees; and SUVS
(intermediate or standard size) at $59.00 per day plus tax and fees.
Please identify yourself as an IAC member attending the aerobatic contest in
Springfield, VT. Ask for "JD".


The banquet will be held Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. EDT. We plan to once
again take advantage of the hospitality at the Fifty-Six Main Street
restaurant in the center of Springfield, VT. We will stop flying by 6 P.M. on
Saturday. They giving us the entire restaurant for the evening.


All of the aircraft and pilot docs that you need to bring may be seen in the
Competitor Checklist on the IAC web site in the members section. Note:
Please make sure that your airplane has a compass card and an official
weight and balance in its docs. These two items have caused pilot distress
and frustration at past contests. And please arrive with a current medical
and your IAC membership card. That means you Ray.

For the aircraft:

Airframe and engine logs; airworthiness certificate; registration
certificate; operating limitations; current weight and balance data, FAA
legal parachute repacked within the last 180 days; proof of insurance ($1
million minimum, see Official IAC Contest Rules).

Please remember that 2-way radio communication is now required by the rules
to compete in IAC contests.

For the pilot:

Pilot and medical certificates; IAC membership card; 16 copies each of free
style forms A, B and C, signed and dated by a current IAC judge; and cash or
check. Free Programs - Remember, one copy that you bring will be made
available for all of your friends to look at, critique, and borrow. Please
double check that your Free Program uses all of the new Aresti catalog
numbers and K factors and is signed off with a no earlier than 2012 date.

Photocopies of documents are permissible for IAC contest registration;
however, FAA requirements may differ.

Some IAC forms are available on the IAC web site, members section, if you
need to check what to bring.


Arriving by air:

NY Sectional, Lebanon (LEB) VORTAC, 228 degree radial, 24 NM.

The town of Springfield is just west of the Connecticut River, up the Black
River. The Springfield Airport is a couple of miles northwest of town. The
river goes by the southwest end of runway 05-23. Warning - morning fog is
common. If you can not get into Springfield due to fog, Claremont, NH is
7mi E, and Newport Parlin is 8mi further E.

Lat-Lon 43 20'37"N, 72 31'04"W. GPS, RNAV, LOC, LOC/DME and NDB approaches.
Unicom is 122.8. Call 5 miles out and check whether there is acro going on
in the box.

Runways 05-23: 5,498'x100'; 11-29: 3,000'x75'. Field elevation is 577' MSL.

On the Internet, airport info can be seen at

Runway 11-29 will be closed during practice and contest flying except with
15 minutes prior arrangement by telephone or radio. Fly right traffic for
runway 23, left traffic for runway 05. CAUTION: The aerobatic box is
southeast of and parallel to runway 5-23 and over the approach end of runway

Check with Unicom for a "HOT" acro box as you approach the airport! 122.8

By car:

I-91 to exit 7 (U.S. Route 11, Springfield exit).

The Holiday Inn Express is right off the exit.

Travel north and pass through the center of Springfield. Take Route 106
North to the airport.

Drive approximately one mile. A sign for the airport will be on the right
hand side.


Bill Gordon - Contest Director
[email protected] cel 802 585 0366 home 802 533 7048

Farrell Woods - IAC Chapter 35 President
603-886-8634 [email protected]

Springfield VT Hartness State Airport Manager
Larry Perry

802-886-7500 Office

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