After 9-10 flights since the beginning of October in my newly acquired S-2A I finally got around to installing a Ram mount for my iphone with ForeFlight for todays flight. I've been using ForeFlight for quite a while in the Challenger I fly and it's a great tool, especially going to Europe. Having ADS-B in/out in the Pitts is phenomenal! It's a must have. It wifi's to my Stratus transponder and gives me everything, traffic, approaching airspace alerts, a taxi chart pops up on landing. I always just used FF on an ipad and just do some occasional what if's on the iphone. So basically I've gone from nothing to everything in the Pitts. Fore Flight is old news to most of us but it's value in a minimally equipped plane is huge. Winter is coming to Reno so the plane will get a new Garmin 225 com radio in the next couple of weeks before it snows. Fortunately I'm in a heated hangar at the old Jest West, now called Stellar Aviation West.