Most if not all of you should be familiar with Glenn's Marquart Charger, NX6781G aka N23RG. 1987 Golden Lindy Champion Charger, built by Remo Galeazzi.
Life is such that I haven't flown her in a year. I don't want her to sit. And hence; I would like her to move on to a better home.
I want $35000; I don't want haggling. If I rethink my price, I will post. Tell me if I'm way off though.
She's in annual till September '25. TT is 1100.
Here's the ugly: I am not in a position to fly her. She's flyable and in annual, but you are on your own with those logistics. I won't be able to take you for a flight. I can attest that she flies well. I can tell you that the best "proxy" for her handling characteristics would be a Grumman Tiger or a Cheetah - elevator / aileron / rudder control harmony and forces are literally the same; I was at home after 500+ hours of Grummans. She has a nasty habit of creeping trim at certain times - due to very well lubed jackscrews
Engine's an O320 - original, narrow deck, w/o suffices to it's model number
. Well, or call it an A2A. Crank "corrosion hole" was sealed prior to my ownership. Though put in by Remo and never overhauled since then, it seems to be just going. No major issues to report. A quirk is that oil pressure takes a bit of time to register - this was the case always going back to Glenn owning her. She likes to drop oil pressure to ~50ish PSI when idling. We decided to not mess with the regulator. Wear metals are all good according to Blackstone. She was restored to the carburetor from Glenn's install of a TBI.
When not flying, I make it a point of running her at least once a month for 30-40 minutes up to 2200 RPM on the ground with oil temps reaching operating levels.
I had to replace the exhaust; muffler decided to shred it's lining. It was just fabricated and installed; with 0 hours to it.
Earlier (2019+) I went thru a full rebuild of her electrical. It was completely miswired. It's now done right. Wiring diagram and all. I also re-plumbed fuel and oil FWF. All my rebuilding adventures are documented in detail here:
Fabric is flyable but in sad shape. It's Polyfiber. Multiple chips and cracks. I repaired every chip I found as they appeared by MEKing the edges to feather them, following with pink, and silver on top. I stopped at Silver. While it looks ugly; it's functional. Polyfiber guys concurred. I used that repair technique to attempt to force myself to eventually recover her. Some notes here:
Smoke system is leaking - it uses half of the top wing tanks for smoke oil and is plumbed with rubber hose and worm clamps. I didn't get around to fixing it; but my gutfeeling is that it was an incompatible hose issue, causing it to having petrified and leaking around one of of the hose / barb / worm clamp.
I have two custom made chutes made in 2021 for it. They need a repack but will go with the plane. They're "butt chutes", with bags custom tailored to fit the seats.
Back to logistics. As I mentioned, I can't help you fly her. If you want to fly away, be my guest. If you want to take her for a spin - as long as I am comfortable with you doing so after chatting, sure thing - you will need your insurance first though. Even if mine was active [it's currently "ground only"] - it's not an open pilot policy - just me on it.
If you want to truck her away, I can help you pull the wings. Glenn did it, can't be that hard
Let me know. Poke me and let's talk if you're interested.
Most if not all of you should be familiar with Glenn's Marquart Charger, NX6781G aka N23RG. 1987 Golden Lindy Champion Charger, built by Remo Galeazzi.
Life is such that I haven't flown her in a year. I don't want her to sit. And hence; I would like her to move on to a better home.
I want $35000; I don't want haggling. If I rethink my price, I will post. Tell me if I'm way off though.
She's in annual till September '25. TT is 1100.
Here's the ugly: I am not in a position to fly her. She's flyable and in annual, but you are on your own with those logistics. I won't be able to take you for a flight. I can attest that she flies well. I can tell you that the best "proxy" for her handling characteristics would be a Grumman Tiger or a Cheetah - elevator / aileron / rudder control harmony and forces are literally the same; I was at home after 500+ hours of Grummans. She has a nasty habit of creeping trim at certain times - due to very well lubed jackscrews
Engine's an O320 - original, narrow deck, w/o suffices to it's model number
When not flying, I make it a point of running her at least once a month for 30-40 minutes up to 2200 RPM on the ground with oil temps reaching operating levels.
I had to replace the exhaust; muffler decided to shred it's lining. It was just fabricated and installed; with 0 hours to it.
Earlier (2019+) I went thru a full rebuild of her electrical. It was completely miswired. It's now done right. Wiring diagram and all. I also re-plumbed fuel and oil FWF. All my rebuilding adventures are documented in detail here:
Fabric is flyable but in sad shape. It's Polyfiber. Multiple chips and cracks. I repaired every chip I found as they appeared by MEKing the edges to feather them, following with pink, and silver on top. I stopped at Silver. While it looks ugly; it's functional. Polyfiber guys concurred. I used that repair technique to attempt to force myself to eventually recover her. Some notes here:
Smoke system is leaking - it uses half of the top wing tanks for smoke oil and is plumbed with rubber hose and worm clamps. I didn't get around to fixing it; but my gutfeeling is that it was an incompatible hose issue, causing it to having petrified and leaking around one of of the hose / barb / worm clamp.
I have two custom made chutes made in 2021 for it. They need a repack but will go with the plane. They're "butt chutes", with bags custom tailored to fit the seats.
Back to logistics. As I mentioned, I can't help you fly her. If you want to fly away, be my guest. If you want to take her for a spin - as long as I am comfortable with you doing so after chatting, sure thing - you will need your insurance first though. Even if mine was active [it's currently "ground only"] - it's not an open pilot policy - just me on it.
If you want to truck her away, I can help you pull the wings. Glenn did it, can't be that hard
Let me know. Poke me and let's talk if you're interested.