Hi - I have an open cockpit S2E in New Zealand, and I would like to put a single slider bubble canopy on the back cockpit (I already have the turtle deck cover to cover the front cockpit). Currently both cockpits are open, and it's noisy and cold!!!! Do please get in touch either by email which is pierrepechon at doctors dot org dot uk or whatsapp on my mobile - which is + sixty four, two seven, six four nine five two three eight.
I am a newbie to the pitts world - currently have 20 or so hours in my pitts, and only soloed it twice, so I am not in a huge rush. I have plenty of mates in the USA that can forward parcels to me, if you have worries about sending things abroad to some unknown guy !!
and once our damned lockdown stops I'm visiting the USA soon anyways -
many thanks, Pierre
I am a newbie to the pitts world - currently have 20 or so hours in my pitts, and only soloed it twice, so I am not in a huge rush. I have plenty of mates in the USA that can forward parcels to me, if you have worries about sending things abroad to some unknown guy !!
and once our damned lockdown stops I'm visiting the USA soon anyways -
many thanks, Pierre