Well-Known Member
What would you do? I've been working on the Pitts for nearly a year now and has been a flying project for 3 months of that but can finally see the finish line. Fresh mags, new inverted, new sparcraft wings, new bungees, new canopy, new smoke, ADSB, etc. you name it. But, at the end of the day, it's still only 150hp. I had an opportunity come up to purchase a buddies Ultimate 10-200 (IO-360, Whirlwind Prop, Spring Gear) however it's been sitting (in a conditioned hangar at least) for the better part of 2 years now so the prop and engine are a slight concern. I'm not familiar with the overall flying comparison between the 2 types. Is the extra power and weight worth it? Is the spring gear versus taper rod a concern for cracking lower longerons like the Pitts? Any other pros/cons of the ultimate?