I quit waiting for someone to educate me and my most basic questions and found this web site with what looks like many working options for these kinds of systems:
I would think there are probably NEW ways to approach this today based on small single board systems. Including state of health of the systems themselves.
The goals of a modern system being to alert to the area experiencing fire, showing systems SOH (self test), possibly not wired directly to the cockpit but using bluetooth to report, progression of the problem showing where the fire is and if spreading, show if the alarm is suspect AND, being robust, easy to install and RELIABLE.
What it shouldn't be is something of a distraction meaning you can't have to think about the system itself but flying the plane. The only way that would work is if its reliable.
Feel free to lash away...
I would think there are probably NEW ways to approach this today based on small single board systems. Including state of health of the systems themselves.
The goals of a modern system being to alert to the area experiencing fire, showing systems SOH (self test), possibly not wired directly to the cockpit but using bluetooth to report, progression of the problem showing where the fire is and if spreading, show if the alarm is suspect AND, being robust, easy to install and RELIABLE.
What it shouldn't be is something of a distraction meaning you can't have to think about the system itself but flying the plane. The only way that would work is if its reliable.
Feel free to lash away...