I'm new to the forum and looking for some input on the best(safest) way to mount the M14P engine onto my Pitts M-12 fuselage. I need to mount the engine, temporarily on the fuselage, so I can properly mount the the fiberglass engine cowling I purchased from the Kimballs.
I have the firewall and sheetmetal on the fuselage. The engine is on its shipping stand.
1st step seems to be to lift the engine (using and engine hoist, lifting on the propeller shaft hoop) to remove the shipping stand then install the engine mount to the engine.
2nd step is a bit fuzzy to me. What is the best way to "rotate" the engine so that its oriented with the crack shaft horizontal, instead of vertical?
3rd once I get the engine and mount oriented "correctly" I should be able to bolt the engine mount directly to the firewall. Are there any washers that go between the fuselage engine bungs and firewall or firewall and engine mount?
Thanks for the help.
I'm new to the forum and looking for some input on the best(safest) way to mount the M14P engine onto my Pitts M-12 fuselage. I need to mount the engine, temporarily on the fuselage, so I can properly mount the the fiberglass engine cowling I purchased from the Kimballs.
I have the firewall and sheetmetal on the fuselage. The engine is on its shipping stand.
1st step seems to be to lift the engine (using and engine hoist, lifting on the propeller shaft hoop) to remove the shipping stand then install the engine mount to the engine.
2nd step is a bit fuzzy to me. What is the best way to "rotate" the engine so that its oriented with the crack shaft horizontal, instead of vertical?
3rd once I get the engine and mount oriented "correctly" I should be able to bolt the engine mount directly to the firewall. Are there any washers that go between the fuselage engine bungs and firewall or firewall and engine mount?

Thanks for the help.