Sounded really sketchy - hasn't been annualed in 20 years, but has supposedly been flying regularly. Registered to someone in Texas but in pieces in Wisconsin. New guy trying to sell it without registering it in his name. The guy kept talking around the logs and the history re: lower longerons and eventually said that he's trying to bypass all that with the price. Something something about not being able to provide scans of the logs.
Perhaps a deal for someone else, but it's not for me.
Sounded really sketchy - hasn't been annualed in 20 years, but has supposedly been flying regularly. Registered to someone in Texas but in pieces in Wisconsin. New guy trying to sell it without registering it in his name. The guy kept talking around the logs and the history re: lower longerons and eventually said that he's trying to bypass all that with the price. Something something about not being able to provide scans of the logs.
Perhaps a deal for someone else, but it's not for me.
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